DogLua - the Download Mirror

This is the DogLua download mirror site at

more about DogLua

Thank you for using DogLua for Lua-scripting with Project Dogwaffle.

Downloading DogLua - the core modules:

The current version of DogLua is available here

 DogLua v0.61b, 196KB  ZIP  -  or use Marco's main mirror at, link

 (filename:,  exact size 200,728 bytes - always check your downloads for matching size and scan with anti-virus software)

(left- or right-click on the above 'ZIP' link and save the target zip file to your computer. Always check downloaded file contents with an up-to-date anti-virus program)

After you have downloaded and installed the core DogLua package, you may want to add the free add-ons which includes the Lua browser, the GUI server and additional sample lua scripts.