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PD Howler Downloads - 3D Stickers Brushes

  Fast Digital Painting, powered by Project Dogwaffle

PD Pro, Howler edition
V9 HOT!v8     Howler  |  what's new? more downloads     


Ready to Waffle and Howl with Version 9?

Have fun using these free brush images from Michel Agullo. Bookmark this page (use CTRL+D) and come back regularly for more.

And more to come - be sure to bookmark and come back


Toon brushes - batch 1:  

This (or a subset of this) will be included with the initial release of v9. You will find 'Stickers' brushes in the Media browser of PD Pro 9. Those are animated collections from this set.  If you also want these as individual stamps, we'll let you download the single PNG's in sets of 10 per download. You can then easily open any of these into a custom brush. We'll show you step-by-step tutorials that teach how to use these sticker images to create your new art, with Dogwaffle and other tools too.

click the image to enlarge

This collection of 50 stickers is available in 5 subsets of 10 stickers each.

When you ordered your Howler 9 you will have received a confirmation email with download details. In that email you also will find 5 passwords, those are the unzip keys to be used for below-mentioned downloadable brush sets.

The first unzip key starts with ilove..., the second start swith ineed..., etc...

If you don't have your unzip keys or didn't order through us in the BMTmicro store, contact us.

If you purchased PD Pro Howler 9, you are now allowed to download and use the images to create your own brushes from them, to create new art too. You may not redistribute these images in any original form. Please respect the copyright owner, and have a look at his vinyl stickers too, perhaps you have a room that needs some decorating? Check  -  be sure to tweet and post this on Facebook too :-)

Download sizes: The zip files vary between approximately 1.5 to 2.5 megabytes!


And many more to come..... a total of about 300 brush stamps!  Have a look here for sneak previews!

Looking for batch 2? 

Batch 2 - get them now! new!

batch 3: available now for free download 

batch 4: 18 free brush images in Dogwaffle media format

batch 5: Merry Christmas - 37 new images in PNG format

batch 6:
Ho Ho Ho! - 36 more PNG images

batch 7: - Batch 7 is here - mostly vegetables

batch 8: -
Batch 8 is here

batch 9: -
Batch 9 is here



Buy PD Howler 9!
it's cheap enough, ok, I want it!

Buy Vinyl Stickers!
my kids deserve the best!


You will need PD Howler 9

to use the animated brushes included in v9 or to build new ones, or to use new ones offered here for download on a regular basis.

Some of the brushes will also be offered in standard PNG image format with transparency mask.

You may not resell these in original form without the express consent from the author and copyright owner, Michel Agullo.


Michel Agullo?

Learn more about the author, his 3D Stickers

3D Stickers by Michel Agullo