you can fly!? Project Dogwaffle, digital painting, 3D, soccer ...

Soccer Art!
take me back

Do you know soccer fans?
Do you play in a club?

get this flyer & print it!

"We love it!"
The 'Magic Skills' soccer drills clinic by Jen Nielsen, 1995 US woman's team worldcup:

 soccer art:

turn regular Photos
into extraordinary oil paintings with the new GraphicPen plugin included with
PD Pro 3.6!

Getting started with Digital
Art on a tight budget?

PD Artist - only $19
Draw, Sketch, Animate & Paint
powered by Project Dogwaffle

Digital Painting has never been
so much fun: Learn to paint with Particle Brushes!

PD Particles - $19

A fun companion for your
digital photo image editor!
powered by Project Dogwaffle

Holá Amigos y
  Amigas del
y de Futból!

Pide adiós a las fotografías lindas -  benvenido a tu proprio Arte sportivo - hoy es digital!

Mira mas:

Turn your fading Digital Memories of Action Sports Photos into new, and your very own, Works of Art!

Why Soccer 'Art'?

because ...

- it's ueber kool and totally rad
- for grandma's scrap-booking
- for school projects, Powerpoint slides
- summer camp back-to-school reports
- webmasters: for your  soccer club's website
- remove identity or copyrighted logos
- re-use copyrighted material as your own new art
- make professional illustrations & awesome digital art
- from still images to videos
- for powerpoint(tm) presentations, slideshows or animations
- make-it, print-it, frame-it , share-it, email-it ... that's it!
- change your jerseys color for fun
- change sponsor logo for new fundraisers
- turn it into a Renoir or Van Gogh

add special-fx like a snow storm at the beach (!), meteor showers, hail, tornados and lightning, animated background skies - catch the storm: play soccer against all odds - no limits but your own imagination!

Catch the Brazilian Jungle Fever: musical edition
Experience the adrenaline rush, by Dj D'Artagnan:
"Die Liebe is zu schoen zu vergeuden" from: AEoN
  Playplay & enjoy! (Flash plugin needed)
Cosmic Eye,
                                  poewered by project dogwaffle

embossing added in Project Dogwaffle

screenshot of Dogwaffle at work


Great Soccer Sites
& Football Resources:
Fun with
Soccer Games:

So you think
you're a man?

just because you play
football, rugby or soccer?


Soccer players are
happy players...

Not all men play soccer (yet) but, all men have a prostate... keep it healthy and happy regardless of what games you play.


Join the fight against Prostate cancer,
donate only exactly $6
(no more, no less please)
to team Mowaffle
do it in Movember.

Grow a mo, Draw a mo,
Be a bro!

  "Pardon me, sir, do you
have any... frail prostate?

Need more

Looking for ways to
 make Illustrations?

Are you a
Sports Reporter?
more soccer illustrations
Look here for more examples

3D & Soccer?
kicking a 3D soccerball