Bonjour! My name is Philippe Delvigne.
I live near Paris, France and like to compose music and paint in
Then I also spend a lot of time making and maintaining my website, and
playing with several 3D programs such as Maya or 3DS Max, and of
course the usual mix of imaging and video effects composition tools.
You can see my portfolio and experiments in Flash at my website:
In my 2D gallery (snapshot shown here to the right) you can
interactively flip
the pages showing my aquarels right with the mouse. I love this
So one day I came across project Dogwaffle.
Wow! Here's what I wrote in the dogwaffle forum at yahoogroups shortly
so happy to join this wonderful team of happy Dogwaffle users !
I just tried this wonder a few days ago, and couldn't help paying the
ridiculously low fee for using it :)
And, I wanted to share my first attempt at painting with this wonderful
tool, after something like 1/2 hour of hips and hoops ;)