image copyright 2001 Paul Bourke
You can download the Lua file here:
or you can copy-paste it into a text editor or Lua editor from the
script shown to the right hre >
You can then save the script filet with the other Lua scripts (files
ending in .lua) in the "DogLuaScripts\"
subfolder of your Project Dogwaffle installation.
Here's another example of what it does:
original image: 800x800
containing a grid
(the grid was generated with this Grid script)
(click to enlarge)
Below is the resulting image after applying this polar mapping
correction filter:
(click to enlarge)
cold lava (Dogwaffle filter)
cold lava, polar corrected
same with grid overlay for visual reference
-- File: polar_map_correction.lua
-- polar map correction, based on Paul Bourke's algo/details at
-- converted to Lua/gluas by Philip Staiger,
-- on November 8, 2006 in about 2 hours - that was fun!
-- also did a little bit of optimizations to reduce repetitive
-- calculations when indexing an array (using the 'indx' variable
-- Note: in gluas, width and height are built-in variables, set
-- automatically to the width and height of the image (in pixels of
PI =
-- memories from college :-)
TWOPI = 2 * PI
local imageoutR = {height*width} -- preallocate buffers of
desired size
local imageoutG = {height*width}
local imageoutB = {height*width}
local x, y, r, g, b, a, x2
local i, j, theta, phi, phi2, indx
-- let's get busy
-- transform each pixel and temporarily store in the out buffers
indx =
-- optimized for speed
for y=0, height-1 do
theta = PI * (y -
(height-1)/2.0) / (height-1)
for x=0, width-1 do
= TWOPI * (x - width/2.0) / width
phi2 = phi
* math.cos(theta)
x2 =
phi2 * width / TWOPI + width/2
if ( ( x2
< 0 ) or ( x2 > width-1 ) ) then
-- something bad happened - flag as red? - Should
never happen
r = 1.0
g = 0.0
b = 0.0
r, g, b = get_rgb( x2, y )
temporarily store the pixel in the out buffers
imageoutR[indx] = r
imageoutG[indx] = g
imageoutB[indx] = b
indx =
indx + 1 -- optimized for speed
progress( y / height)
-- finally send stored 'out' image back out to the imaging
indx =
-- optimized for better speed
for y = 0, height - 1 do
for x = 0, width - 1 do
r = imageoutR[indx]
g = imageoutG[indx]
b = imageoutB[indx]
set_rgb(x, y, r, g, b)
indx = indx +
1 -- optimized
for better speed
progress(y / height)