you can fly!?Project Dogwaffle & PD Pro:

Making Seamless Textures
.... the old fashioned way, with the Shift Transform filter

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Project Dogwaffle has already a tool to make seamless textures. In fact it was updated and improved in the 2.1 update  and some users of Dogwaffle have told us they thinks it's the best tool in its class out there. Check a screenshot here. There is also a tutorial on its use here (Seamless_Plus).

That tool is automatic and works in many cases very well. But for some types of images with very high contrast and little noise it's not always suitable because you can still see a little bit of fade-over from tile to tile along the seams, which can appear blurry at times. Nothing wrong with this implementation, it's just a feature of the technique used, one of its caveats.


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So, if you have a need to fix the seams yourself by manually intervening, this tutorial will show you how easy it is in Project Dogwaffle to do exactly that. We're using PD Pro 3.1 in this example.

When the tutorial starts (Flash player required), click on the yellow 'Next' button which will appeatr in the lower-right corner to advance to the next frame.

Start the tutorial:  Click here

or right click here to download and save the
Flash file for later viewing offline (size: 976 kb)

View the tutorial on making seamless textures

Note: This tutorial plays in 800x600 pixel screens and up. It was captured at 1024x768 and produced with the immensely powerful and free tool from Satish at Debugmode, called Wink. We highly recommend it!