beyond animation
Animated Swap Buffers
Here's another quick look
at how you can easily use an animation - any animation - i.e. an image
sequence or AVI file or a new animation you create from scratch, and
select it to become an animated displacement map or an animated
composition through the Swap buffer.
Start with an Animation
For example,
let's say you use the Timeline editor from the Animation menu, and
render the Perlin noise filter.
Perhaps you'll want to throw additional filters at it, like a Sobel
edge effect, a snowfall filter or numerous other effects.
Save it as a Dogwaffle Animation file
(*.dwa file)
Now select the Save... item from
the Animation menu.
This will let
you specify a filename to save it as.
Get the main animation
Now you can load the main animation, or create one. That's the
animation (or video) which you want to have transformed (displaced) or
combined with the one you just saved as .dwa file.
Select the Displace filter from the Timeline editor.
Selecting an animation as Swap
In the menubar of the Timeline editor, select "Use anim as swap..."
from the Animation menu
Pick the .dwa file saved earlier:
Select the effect which
uses Swap
Set the amount of displacement
You can now
scrub through the animation in the timeline to preview the effect that
the Swap animation has on the main animation, as shown in the preview
You might optionally change some parameters of the chosen filter (e.g.
the 'Mac displace' slider in the case of the Displace filter). You
could keyframe these changes.
Then, simply hit the Render button to apply.
That's it, in a nutshell. The
trick now is to find or generate some neat looking effects by making
the right type of animated displacement maps. And that's where
your imagination comes in.