The RYB Color Mixer
A Red Yellow Blue color mixer for Project Dogwaffle
by Dan Ritchie, July 10, 2004

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Computers almost universally use the RGB color model, often refered to as 'additive color'.  That's because it's a very good, logical model for representing color and happens to map to human vision very well.

Artists, however, are often more familiar with the notion of Red, Yellow and Blue as primary colors.  While not perfect, this model represents a simple method for mixing opaque medias that can represent most colors in the spectrum.  Many people consider this model to be completely wrong, but it is still taught in many schools as the primary color model.

Therefore I've added a new color picker - the RYB picker.  To my knowledge, it's the only one available for a paint programs (I could be wrong, but I couldn't find one)

The model represents Red, Yellow, and Blue as the primary colors, and Orange, Green, and violet as the secondary colors.  This sounds odd if you're used to RGB/CYM. 

There are significant issues involved in the use of this model.  For example, Complementary colors (colors on oposite sides of the color wheel) are completely different between the two models.  (Remember when your preschool teacher used to tell you that red and green were oposite colors)

Also note that the RYB model does not represent cyans or magentas very well, since they are neither primary or secondary colors, and even getting close requires the addition of white, so the saturation level is wrong.

On a similar note, have you ever wondered why you can't mix blue and yellow on the canvass of a paint program to get a good quality green?  That's because in the RGB model, blue and yellow are exactly complementary (that means an exact mix between them equals grey).

Teachers often teach that blending complementary colors produces grey, however in the RYB model, you actually get closer to a brown.  There are quite a few things in this model that don't really work the way they're supposed to.  Hence, why a lot of people say it's

Anyway, it's what a lot of people are familiar with, so I present it here.  It was quite a hassle to get it to work, since it's not mathmatically sound.  I had to use a lookup table to produce the actual hues.

I didn't bother 'faking' a grey value as an 'in-between' for complementary colors either.  Still, it's a pretty good match for the real thing.

(click to enlarge)

(21 kb)

extract the file from the zip archive
and you will get this file:
(66 kb)

copy the file into the folder
where Dogwaffle is installed.
That's normally in
C:\Program Files\project dogwaffle

How to use it:
Start Dogwaffle, open the
plugins panel  (shortcut 'k' for killer plugins), Select the 'Misc.' tab...