Dogwaffle v2

coming soon to a PC near you...
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developer updateSometime in the first quarter of 2004, the newest major release of Project Dogwaffle will be available.
We're very excited about this newest development, there is so much new stuff packed into it.
Over a hundred fixes, improvements, productivity enhancements, new features, some minor, others very significant ... Interested in learning more about v2? Read the DeveloperUpdate (PDF)

But the best news is this:  upgrades to v2 for current customers will be ridiculously cheap. So you will want to own at least version 1.15 and preferrably 1.5 or 1.6, any of the commercial releases. The more recent the better the discount for future upgrades. If you're still using the free version 1.11b or earlier versions, then you may want to purchase an available recent version (1.6). Even if you found v1.15 from a cover CD on a magazine or in a book, you qualify for upgrading to v1.6. It will be cheaper that way than to wait until v2 is released and going for the full purchase of v2. In other words: spend a little money now to treat yourself to the holidays, and rest assured that you'll save money down the road if upgrading to v2.

Sneak Previews of  what's coming in Dogwaffle v2

Teaser3 (click for full view)

Teaser 4 (click for full view)