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DRMisc.dll - Better Erosion Spread (for v9.5)

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Do you have Howler 9.5 installed already?

This update is made for Howler 9.5. It replaces a dll (a library file: DRMisc.dll) that already came with Howler 9.5. The new version of this dll fixes a small bug that prevented even distribution of erosion in 3D Designer. This was particularly visible on round domes or egg shells, where the erosion was appearing only on about 3/4 of the surface. One of the quadrants was not getting eroded.

  Download the zip file from here:          DRMisc.dll
exact file size:   690 KB (706,560 bytes)

It is a fix for the erosion as seen in the 3D Designer tool, which requires a PC with support for access to the GPU. There is also a standalone erosion tool in the Style filters group, which will also benefit from this fix.

System Requirements:
This is meant for Windows 7 or 8.  This will not work on Windows XP.

It may also possibly work on Windows Vista too. (but not tested/confirmed. If you test it, will you let us and the Dogwaffle community know if it worked for you?)

You will need a relatively new computer processor chip. The old single-core chips probably won't do, because they likely don't support GDI+. That is a feature we started to use for displaying the interface graphics since version 9.2.  See what's new in 9.2 - the world's cutest T-rex.


This is not an installer, and certainly not a full installer. It is just a single file, to replace an existing one in your Howler 9.5 installation folder.
Right-click the download file to save the target directly into your current Howler installation folder. Before you replace the existing file there, you may want to keep a safe copy of it.

You don't remember where you installer Howler 9.5? By default, your Howler 9.5 installation on a 64-bit version of Windows should be found here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Howler

But that may be different on a 32-bit version of Windows or if you chose a different location when you installed it.

After Installation of the update

Here is a view of the list of files you might see in your Howler 9.5 installation folder after applying this update. We have sorted the files by Modification Date. The most recently updated file is highlighted at the top.

Important: In case of Error

If the Windows can't replace the dll file, it is probably still in use by a running session of Howler. Be sure to exit Howler first.

It is also possible that you might still have a stale session of Howler running. You may then want to launch Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Tab) to see if any instance of Howler is still running, looking for dogwaffle.exe or even perhaps for a zombie process, or surrogate COM process... If you don't know what to look for, it might be a good idea to reboot the system in that case. It will be faster than us trying to support your call for help and trying to explain how, and what, and why...


Here is a sample elevation map with fairly regular shaped domes, created with the filter: Render > Cellular

Here is a rendering with the original DRMisc.dll from the v9.5 installer. Notice how not the entire surface is eroded - the upper-left quadrant of each egg is still smooth:

Now here is the new result, using the new DRMisc.dll file - the surface is evenly eroded:

click the image to enlarge

Here's another rendering, with sediments and ambient occlusion

click the image to enlarge

Here's a rendering in Puppy Ray with endless tiling:

Didn't work for you? Restore the old file

If for unknown reasons this didn't work for you and you prefer to restore the old DRMisc.dll file, you can reinstall the program. Or, you can simply restore just the old file. In case you did not keep a safe copy of the old file, grab it here:  DRMisc-old.dll (you will need to rename it from DRMisc-old.dll to DRMisc.dll)

don't have v9.5 yet?

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