Many 3D programs have the ability to load 3D
geometry data from a file format called the
Wavefront OBJ format.
The 3D Designer filter from PD Howler and PD
ARtist have the ability to save your terrain mesh
as an OBJ file. Thus, you can transfer the created
mesh (including its resulting deformations through
sediments and erosions) to another program,
through an OBJ file. In essence, you can design
the terrain in Dogwaffle' 3D Designer, and take it
over to your favorite 3D programs for rendering,
animation and other use. Of course, you could also
simply render an image of the terrain view in 3D
Designer, save that and use it as background or
backdrop elsewhere. This is different though. By
using the 3D data as OBJ mesh export, you retain
the ability in other programs to to many more
things, for example:
- re-render the scene from a different angle
or position
- apply different scale deformation in
elevation axis, making the terrain appear more
flat or more steep
- change the texture and hence the appearance
of the terrain that's mapped on the mesh
- add foliage items such as trees
- change the background skies
- do a full animation trough or over the
- Use the terrain in a game dev system, and
lots more.
Here are some notes that you might find useful
when working with the Dogwaffle OBJ file in
other programs:
Other notes may be added. If you don't see your
program, or even if you do, be sure to also read
the others, because there may be information there
that's also applicable to your program.