you can fly!? Circular Gradients for Backgrounds
Using the circular gradient tool to make fancy background effects.
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part4 - part5

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Multiple Hollow Rings

Here's another fun thing to try:

Multiple zones of zero-Opacity:

 these turn into transparent rings when used with the circular gradient tool.  Draw a few small ones, for example, and then one large one on top:

Working with Custom Brushes

Here's another fun thing to experiment with: using a single circular gradient image as a custom brush.  Start for example with a black background color and make sure the same is the secondary color. In other words: select black as secondary and erase the image buffer to back. Then draw a circular gradient:

Use the custom brush pickup tool (or use keyboard shortcut 'b') to pick up that image as a custom brush. Then use '"' (double-quote) to store it, or use menu: Brush>Store&manage...  and start painting with it:

click to enlarge

The stored brush tool lets you easily change colors, size and other details

Plus you can open the Brush options panel ('o') and fiddle with parameters such as allowing brush transforms (Custom tab) and then setting the value to set the size based on speed, or if you use a tablet make it based on pressure.

and here's with random hue and value changes from the brush settings panel:

You can also use such custom brushes together with particle brushes (by using the 'Style' called 'Brush'). Now you've got dozens or hundreds of particle trails applying the custom brush image.

click to enlarge

And finally you can  also turn the custom brush into a custom animated brush and paint it with the ALT key pressed down into an animation, to create wacky animated effects in a snap:

Here are a few other examples. Starting with a single simple gradient which fades to transparent at the end.
Used a few applications of lens flares here.
Added something in the Swap buffer and used it to emboss by swap.
Here's using it as Combine with swap
and here with several iterations of Displace by swap,
 plus some more color emboss and wet paint as well as brush strokes filter to show a hint of bristles effects.
not sure what else I tried here....

into 3D: draw a shape, and see it
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part4 - part5