part 1 -
part 2 - part
3 -
4: Bluescreening
it's time to do the blue screening.
Make sure you have the animation loaded, i.e. that of the running man
showing in front of a blue background.
Launch the
animation Timeline editor:
Animation > Timeline...
The timeline is a collection of filters which can be rendered not only
on a single frame but across all frames of the animation.
Plus, if there are parameters like sliders, they can be keyframed and
interpolated along the timeline.
The filters in the
timeline are organized by groups.
Scroll towards near the bottom where you'll see groups for compositing.
We're going to composite with an image sequence:
> Composite with sequence
> Select the Bluescreen sequence filter.
There are a few parameters
in this filter.
Click the button to select the sequence. This is the image sequence of
the second animation clip, i.e. that of the background animation. which
we'll want to add to the currently loaded running man with bluescreen.
The file selection dialog
opens, asking you to select the first file of the BMP image sequence.
Click frame 0.
Verify that it is the
first frame's image file. Then click Open.
PD Pro now can show the
Timeline's preview with the composition enabled. As you click the
timeline and view a different frame, you'll see the resulting
Even though you only selected one filename, it is understood by PD Pro
that it started with a number of _0000 and that the subsequent frames
will have _0001, _0002 etc... in their filenames.
Click the 'Render' button, and PD Pro will apply the bluescreen
compositing filter frame-for-frame.
Note that the two frame sequences don't have to be of the same
dimensions. The images from the 'incoming' background animation are
resampled to the dimensions of the currently loaded animation of the
running man.
And here it is, the
resulting animation, with the background composited into the blue
pixels of the foreground.
versions: Flash
here's another one, done with a different background:
and another