[more tutorials] |
Here's a small version of an
animated texture I created in PD Pro, saving it to AVI file. For this
presentation I reduced the size and frame count from 300 to 75. I
then packed the saved AVI file into a Flash animation. The original AVI
(uncompressed) is about 50 MB large. Click
the image to toggle the
(requires Flash MX player/plugin to view) The AVI was is available here, encoded with the Xvid codec: You will need a codec capable of decoding ISO standard MPEG4 video, such as Xvid or DivX. I then applied this animated texture to the glow channel of a material in Carrarar 4, and rendered it texture mapped onto a simple piece of geometry representing the flow of lava. I rendered it within a mountain scene here. Note that Carrara 4 wasn't apparently happy with the Xvid codec and didn't display the texture from the xvid file directly. Use VirtualDub or Dogwaffle to convert it to uncompressed or other form. |
Not too bad for a first test. I
think there are many things that can be done too with it to further
improve it, such as bump mapping, displacement mapping. I'll describe the steps used to make a texture like this in a tutorial some day soon. |
Here's a first small 3D rendering, done with Carrara 4: 160x120 pixels, 6 frames per second, 10 seconds duration. Click
the image to toggle the
(requires Flash MX player/plugin to view) |
Here are more examples of textures created: the third one is based on the second one but has higher contrast.
more possibilities: (click to toggle) |
The tutorial is now in this separate page |