you can fly!?new Free Plugins for Project Dogwaffle Professional

Doggybag #5

The next generation is not coming from outer space... it's from Texas!
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Introducing Doggybag #5

Doggybag #5 was created to give you a taste of what's to come with the next version, PD Pro 5. Dozens of new features, plugins, interface improvements, speed and productivity enhancements, and lots of surprises. If you're interested in purchasing the upgrade to PD Pro 5 at a great discount, don't delay, learn more here before the pro-order discounts are gone.

Doggybag 5:

This is a free add-on to PD Pro, tested with PD Pro 4.1, but there's a good chance that it also works well with earlier versions, such as PD Pro 3.5/3.7, Project Dogwaffle Professional (boxed edition based on 3.5), PD Artist and PD 2. Some may even work with the freware version 1.2, but we haven't tested it much there.

No Installer - just copy the files:

There is no installer with this doggybag. It's just a zip archive file containing multiple files, and a subfolder with additional Lua script files. You can be selective as to which of the files you wish to add to your Dogwaffle installation folder. One of the files (Brush Keyframer) may already exist in your current installation, and will be replaced. Others will simply be added to the existing files if you chose to do so.

Pre-Requisite: .NET Framework 4

Some of the plugins in this doggybag require that the .Net (dot net) framework 4 be installed on your system. Learn more about it here.

Downloading Doggybag 5:

To download this free doggybag, simply Left-Click or  Right-click this zipped file to Save the link target on your desktop or in Documents folder or any other place on your computer where you'll easily be able to find it:  [size: 165 KB (169,850 bytes)]   

After saving the above archive zip file, extract the files into the folder where you have Project Dogwaffle installed already.  Make sure PD is not running yet at that time. After copying the files into the PD folder, launch Dogwaffle as usual, and get to the killer plugins (shortcut 'k' or Menu:Window->Plugins panel) and you will find a few new features.

What's in the Bag?

Here's a brief summary:

  1. DRMisc.dll 
  2. General file converter_px.exe 
  3. Graphic Halftone_pf.exe
  4. Keyframer_pm.exe
  5. tunnel_pf.exe
  6. LuaScripts:

General File Converter - learn more here
Graphic Halftone - coming soon
Keyframer 1.1 - coming soon
Lua scripts - coming soon


Want more? Learn more about Pre-Ordering PD Pro 5

Learn More Here:
Doggybag #5
General File Converter
more coming soon:
Graphic Halftone
(Brush) Keyframer 1.1
Lua scripts

A Buck or two for a
  Great Cause!

Please support us with a small donation if you can spare a little.

Can't purchase or upgrade yet? Still want to help and support the development of the next generation of PD Pro? If you'd like to help out, we've set up this donation button which will send your funds directly to Dan Ritchie, our star programmer.

Your generous donation will also help cover the cost of hosting of free tutorials and maintaining the current versions as well as developing future versions.

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