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The Dogwaffler of the Moment - Newsletter 104 - June 2015

Get your Fruits and Veggies



What's New in
Howler 9

What was New in
Howler 8

The above image was rendrered in Puppy Ray, currently under development for Dogwaffle 9

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Hello again, here is another update from the "Dogwaffler of the Moment" newsletter.

See more and learn more in recent online editions with HTML formatting, with images and links to related videos. Start here to see all past newsletters:

In this issue, we have another batch of the toon brushes collection, aka 3d stickers: Batch #7, mostly images of fruits and vegetables, so get your fruits and veggies!

We also describe the newest member of PD Particles, the all new PD Particle 9.

And we have quite a bunch of new tutorials and videos made mostly in PD Howler.

Also, all through the Month of June and through the July 4 weekend, we're running a special promotion for PD Howler: a discount of 30%.

Oh and last but not least, we also present a new Dogwaffler of the Moment, an Indie game developer who's using Howler to add corals and underwater foliage in his games: AxeEelGames


New Brushes: batch #7 of Toon 3D Stickers

Here's the new collection, batch #7 has 30 new brush images in Dogwaffle Media format.

These are free and royalty-free for use in your artwork and illustrations, as well as in videos,, even in creations for commercial use. If you can, we'd love to see some form of credit or mention about Michel Agullo's toon characters, that would be nice, but not required. For example you could mention something like this in the credits:

3D toon character(s) by Michel Agullo,

No re-distribution or format conversion please. If you're interested in licensing these or others from Michel Agullo's collections, such as for distribution in apps and games, please contact us to discuss conditions. It could be free too.

Using the new brushes in PD Howler 9.6:

PD Particle 9 - from Outer Space

Just a few weeks ago, we released the newest edition of PD Particles: PD Particle 9.

PD Particle 9 is a light version derived from PD Artist. It doesn't do animations or video work like motion prediction, that's something you see in PD Howler. It also has fewer filters than PD Artist and PD Howler. For example, it doesn't have the 3D Designer or Puppy Ray for 3D landscape rendering. On the flip side, it is much more affordably priced at just $7.99, and it has some great new interface ideas, including pinch zoom if you have a touchscreen.

If you have been using the older version of PD Particles (and boy is it old :-) .... ), i.e. PD Particles 1.x, you'll be happy to know that PD Particle 9 now includes the full Custom brushes (which it didn't in v1). It also has the Bristle brushes, Orbicle brushes and the awesome Foliage brushes(!) so it goes way beyond what the old PD Particles had.

One way to learn more and further explore is by seeing the interface. Look here to see the new tabbed interface:

Here is a screenshots that describes some of the View options:

Here are some more screenshots:

Example 1: Text plus Brushstrokes with translucent Watercolor - with Pigment Lifting


Example 2: Additional effects with Graphic Pen filter

Along the bottom left of the images, you'll notice a few handy shorcuts to access various types of media, i.e. brushes.  PD Particle 9 has a few other improvements over earlier versions.

  • "allow brush transforms" is automatic when changing brush size.

  • change brush size with alt-mouse wheel

  • Brush preview respects size

  • Orbicles realtime visualization (really cool with spring forces)

  • enhanced curve tool

  • easier to close curves

  • enhanced color picker

  • color themes

  • pigments integrated on the color picker

  • theme browser

  • iconic jump list (mrud)

  • vector rendered icons

  • No layers, but there's that 'Spare' image (aka the Swap image in PD Howler and PD Artist)

We've had some great feedback from other artists who love to sketch and paint. We hope you'll like it too.

Learn more about PD Particle 9 here:

Ok, two more videos. First, here's a video that shows some of the finer details and new features in the Curve tool:

The Curve Tool

Particle 9 now includes the Curve tool, and it's been enhanced.

Free Transform tool with Mirroring enabled

Particle 9 now includes the mirror modes, and the Free Transform tool  -


New Tutorials & Videos

We've had a bunch of new tutorials and videos posted to our YouTube channel:


Tutorial: A fix and debug message for layer blending modes :

Video: Giraffe Mountains of Puppy Ray - part1

Video: Giraffe Mountains of Puppy Ray - part2

Tutorial: Animation 101, part11 - Tami's Hands, part1

Tutorial: More ideas and techniques for making foliage assets

Video: Little man and big galaxy

Tutorial: Frozen river - editing the texture map for a blue'ish tint

Tutorial: Multiple Ospreys - compositing with Custom brush or with Swap image

Video: Rugs in PD Particle 9 - exploring the free transform tool with mirroring enabled

Video: Spikey elevation map, into 3D Designer

Video: Off the grid - stacks of rectangles, an open Wall, animated, rendered into 3D - Game Over

Tutorial: Supernovae, nebulae and planets with spherize tool


Sale: PD Howler 30% off through Independence Day

No discount coupon needed, this sale is automatic. Instead of $89, once you access the shopping cart from and click on the link for PD Howler 9.6, you'll see the reduced price: $62.30!. This offer is good through the July 4 weekend. Happy Independence Day!

Of course, if you already have a prior version, such as v9.2, or v8 and earlier, you should qualify for even better discounts, up to 72% off! Contact us if you need a new discount coupon to upgrade or sidegrade from PD Artist and PD Particles.

Also, you may see even better deals from the developer directly at or when ordering through Steam.  -  Be sure to check it out if these are options for you too.

Ospreys are moving in


Dogwaffler of the Moment: Axe Eel Games

Alex is what we call an Indie (Independent) game
developer. He's recently started to use Howler for creating assets in his games. Here's a first look at the Creature:

For more info and details, visit his DOTM page here:

And that's it for now.

Thanks for waffling and howling!



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  Recent News:

Howler on Steam

PD Howler 9.6

PD Howler 9.5

PD Artist 9.6

PD Particle 9

More new



Also: Read
Dan Ritchie's

Very Cool!
3D Stickers' are images included with PD Pro 9 - new image stamps as animated custom brushes

                      stickers are coming to Dogwaffle!

Batch #1
Batch #2
Batch #3
Batch #4
Batch #5
Batch #6


Batch #7

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